About this Event
Symposium Dates: June 1 – 2, 2023
Theme: “Queering Community & Kinship”
Invited Keynote Speaker: Dr. Autumn Asher BlackDeer (she/her/hers), Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
Tentative Keynote Title: “Decolonizing Queering: Addressing Compound Colonialism in Queer Studies”
Invited Methods Speaker: Dr. Aditya Khanna (he/him/his), Assistant Professor, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University
Tentative Topic: Social Networks and LGBTQ Health
Program: This year’s program builds on the important traditions established over the past ten years, providing researchers and advocates opportunities to present their work, discuss challenges and opportunities, and network with others conducting LGBTQ+ research across disciplines. Our theme “Queering Community & Kinship” emphasizes constructing and maintaining queer connections through the continuation of LGBTQ+ narratives and research. The Center for LGBTQ+ Research & Advocacy at the University of Kansas acknowledges the importance of building queer connections by advancing LGBTQ+ research.
Format: The fully online, digital format of the 2023 symposium presents unique and creative opportunities to enhance accessibility of the symposium and integrate digital humanities ideas and concepts. The format of presentations will include live presentations, panel discussions, roundtables, workshops, and creative, innovative, and technological presentations. Pre-recorded presentations, posters, and creative submissions will also be included.
All primary presenters will be expected to register for the symposium. Registration rates are:
Continuing education units (CEUs) will be available at an additional cost.
All sessions will include accessibility features including captions. Keynote and invited methods presentations will include ASL interpretation. Please let the organizers know at the time of registration if you have additional accessibility needs.
Please email LGBTQResearch@ku.edu for more information or with questions. Check this page often for event updates and announcements.