Please join the Toni Johnson Center for Racial and Social Justice in "Honoring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW): Actions for Justice".  Various events are planned for April 30 - May 5. Your support at the events and the sharing of this flier is appreciated. Events are open to the public and free.

           Missy and I feel it is important to bring awareness and education about the MMIW movement to the KU campus. As Indigenous faculty at a predominantly white institution, we see that students, faculty and staff may not have the knowledge of the movement that has its roots and is most visible in Indian County.  Through these events, we hope to not only educate and bring awareness about the MMIW movement but also share ways in which allies can take action to support the movement.

           The planning committee representation is vast, as we have folks from Prairie Band Potawatomie Nation, the Douglas County Health Department, the Lawrence Indigenous Community Center, MMIW chapters in Lawrence and Wichita and several KU and Haskell departments, and student organizations including both universities’ student government representatives. Energy is high as we collectively come together to enjoy each organization's sponsored events.

           You may see many fliers for the same event or week of events. This was done purposely to provide each community a way to publicize the events as they choose. Haskell is using the acronym, MMIR (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives), a more inclusive title to include all the relatives who've remained missing. The committee had extensive discussions about terminology and there was consensus that KU use the acronym, MMIW, as it is a more familiar term to bring awareness to the broader constituents of a PWI.  

          If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me (  or Missy ( See the list of events below and please forward the flier on to your networks that have an interest.


Saturday, April 30, 12 – 5 p.m. 
Action for Justice Kickoff 
Sponsored by the Indigenous Community Center
Broken Arrow Park 

  • Poetry and music by B.L.A.C.K. Lawrence and other local musicians
  • Artists and Indigenous vendors
  • MMIW educational information
  • Introduction to the new MMIW Lawrence chapter
  • Introduce the MMIW Wichita chapter




Monday, May 2, 6 p.m. 
Free Self-Defense Seminar 
Sponsored by USD 497 Native American Student Services
Lawrence High School, Main Gym 
1901 Louisiana Street 

  • Hear a survivor's story
  • Learn self-defense moves to successfully resist, escape, and survive a violent attack


Tuesday, May 3, 4 p.m. 
Honoring MMIW Actions for Justice Walk & Proclamation Reading 
Join us as we walk from KU campus to Lawrence City Hall 
Meet at Watson Library 


Wednesday, May 4, 7p.m. 
MMIW Forum & Discussion 
Haskell Campus/Parker Hall Room 110 


Thursday, May 5 
Today I Wear Red Day
Wear red in solidarity with the movement that honors the memory of those we've lost and uplift the voices of the families and survivors

MMIR Awareness Day and Honor Walk 
Haskell Indian Nations University 
Sunrise: Fire Lighting, Prayer, Tipi Raising 
6 p.m. Honor Walk to Medicine Wheel


Multiple Day Events  
May 1 – May 5 
Twitter & Social Media Awareness Campaign
Use the hashtags #MMIWActionNow #MMIGActionNow #NoMoreStolenSisters #MMIG #MMWG2ST to bring awareness about the movement


May 2, 3, 4 
Wescoe Beach Tabling, KU Campus 
Learn about how you can bring awareness and action to this movement. 


The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) State Legislative Tracker is a navigational database offered by National Indigenous Womens Resource Center to assist the national movement in monitoring and understanding pending local legislation addressing the crisis of MMIW.


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