E Indian Ave, Lawrence, KS 66046

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Humanities Speaker Series

Alicia Elliott, A Mind Spread Out on the Ground

THU APR 17, 7:00 PM
Haskell University Auditorium (and online via Hall Center Crowdcast)

Alicia Elliott, a Mohawk writer and editor living in Ontario, will address topics such as intergenerational trauma, colonization, and the complexities of living as an Indigenous woman in contemporary society. These themes are pursued in the essays comprising her bestselling memoir A Mind Spread Out on the Ground. Her innovative and deeply personal storytelling reveals powerful insights on parenthood, love, art, poverty, representation, the land, memory, and mental health, exposing the enduring impact of colonialism and racism on Indigenous lives.

Elliott’s short fiction was selected for The Best American Short Stories 2018, Best Canadian Stories 2018, and The Journey Prize Stories 30. She was chosen as the 2018 recipient of the RBC Taylor Emerging Writer Award for A Mind Spread Out on the Ground, which was a national bestseller in Canada and won the Forest of Reading Evergreen Award.

This event highlights the newly revitalized partnership between the University of Kansas and Haskell Indian Nations University, providing students on both campuses enhanced learning opportunities through collaborative programming.

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