About this Event
1530 Naismith Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045
https://theatredance.ku.edu/alums-come-homeAlums Come Home is an all-class reunion for the Department of Theatre & Dance and featuring master classes, performance, networking opportunities, and socials. Alums Come Home events will be held mostly on-campus (Murphy Hall and Robinson Center), unless otherwise indicated.
Website: https://theatredance.ku.edu/alums-come-home
The reunion is held in conjunction with KU Theatre & Dance's production of Cabaret, featuring faculty and student performers.
April 27, Early Bird Alumni Reception, 6-8pm, Arterra, 2161 Quail Creek Dr., Lawrence. Hosted by Friends of Theatre & Dance
April 28, Daytime. Master Classes, Workshops, Performances, Tours, Murphy Hall and Robinson Center.
April 28, 6-11pm. Welcome Home Celebration, Liberty Hall, 644 Massachuettes St.
April 29, Daytime. In Memoriam Ceremony, Master Classes, Workshops, Tours, Performance of Cabaret, Murphy Hall and Robinson Center.
April 29, 9:30pm-midnight, After-Glow Party, Maceli's Banquet Hall, 1031 New Hampshire St.
Registration is required and highly encouraged before 4/7. Register via the link at https://theatredance.ku.edu/alums-come-home
A small (optional) donation is requested by registrants to help the Department offset the cost of reunion events/food.
Lawrence hotels are holding room blocks for alums who need accommodations. Those details are also on the website.
Rock chalk!