Student Organization Rooms, 1057A, Capitol Federal Hall

Join the Entrepreneurship team for the Boundless Creativity series. Creativity is critical for innovation. It not restricted to artists or designers— it is a set of practices that can be learned. Creativity is possibly the most important skill to develop in an ever-evolving world, especially as AI is being used more and more.

You will:

  • Learn about the nature of creativity and how you can develop practices that will help you be creative.
  • Hear how guest speakers have used their creativity to build amazing products or companies.
  • Learn why creativity is the key to innovation. Especially in a world with AI.

Even if you never start your own company or build a new product, the skills you will learn will be valuable to any position. You can use creativity to build new and unique solutions to problems. Learning to be creative and how to innovate will make you significantly more marketable in any endeavor you choose. Join us for weekly three-hour sessions for six weeks. Upon completion, you will be eligible for a 30 professional development points and a $500 scholarship.

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