Tuesday, February 27, 2024 12pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
Live Interactive Panel
Social isolation is of course not only about our aging population; many people at all ages experience loneliness, marginalization, and disconnection—and the dire physical and mental health consequences it brings. However, attitudes like pervasive ageism and structural obstacles like inadequate public transportation combine to make social isolation a particular challenge for older adults—especially given the insufficient supports that could mitigate the isolating risks. While supporting, connecting, and celebrating older adults is the work of people in all professions, to meet the Grand Challenges of our aging future, we need to bring more social workers to aging and equip more social workers in every part of practice to work effectively, creatively, and enthusiastically, with older adults and those who love them.
Panel Members:
Lindsay Huddlestun, Johnson County government
Dan Goodman, Kansas Advocates for Better Care
Kelly G. Loeb, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Eric Sigler, KC Hospice
Cost: Free
CEU: 1.0
For more information contact Melinda Lewis at mlewis@ku.edu
+ 19 People interested in event
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