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Join us on Wednesday, February 8 at 12 noon in the Alderson Auditorium of the Kansas Union, lunch provided


Since the 1990s, nearly 35 Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCS) have opened across the United States. In turn, more than 90 institutions across the United States have access to an FSRDC computing environment with this number growing substantially over time, including the University of Kansas. Dr. Ratcliff will provide an overview of applying and conducting research at the Kansas City FSRDC located at the Kansas City Federal Reserve Board. FSRDCs provide unique access to restricted-use federal statistical data on topics such as demography, health, economics, and education that, in some cases, can be linked together to examine unique and robust research questions. 

Dr. Ratcliff will provide an overview to what the FSRDC program is, what data are available, as well as the opportunities to use these data, advice on writing good FSRDC proposals, and a Q&A session where individuals can ask questions about the process or feasibility of certain project ideas. 

RSVP requested to IPSR@ku.edu to attend in person or on Zoom. We hope to see you there!

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