About this Event
Attendees will learn how the DOD organizes research support, how to communicate with DOD program managers, and what funding opportunities are available in various disciplines. The webinar will include a brief overview of the of DOD’s research agencies, followed by three separate breakout sessions focused on the following topics:
DOD Funding for Biology/Biomedical Sciences
Session Leader: The Conafay Group
One of KU’s Washington, D.C.-based consulting firms, The Conafay Group specializes in biomedical, life sciences, and human health research. TCG brings strategic experience from Capitol Hill, government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. The team supporting KU includes former program officers, one of whom will lead this breakout group.
DOD Funding for Environmental Sciences
Session Leader: Kurt Preston, Program Manager, DOD Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
The Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) are the DOD's environmental, resilience, installation energy and water research programs. Preston serves as the focal point for programs that support development of the science, technologies and methods needed to sustain environmental infrastructure. Previously, he led the Army’s Environmental Science Basic Research Program at the Army Research Office, where he managed programs focused on terrestrial, atmospheric and habitation sciences.
DOD funding for Physical/Natural sciences
Session Leader: Lewis-Burke Associates LLC
Lewis-Burke is another KU consulting firm located in Washington, D.C. with experts in various agencies and scientific/higher education areas. The firm helps KU develop and implement federal strategies to pursue, shape and create new sources of funding. Lewis-Burke experts with deep backgrounds in the DOD will lead this breakout group.
Each breakout group will include a short presentation on the session’s topic, followed by a question-and-answer period.