About this Event
1425 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS 66045
https://idrh.ku.edu/fellowsThe Symposium is designed to highlight the Digital Humanities Fellowship Program. It will feature an opening talk by DH Fellow Samantha Bishop Simmons on the value of the fellowship and the public potential of the digital humanities.
Following the talk will be a digital poster session featuring the work of all 10 fellows. Guests are invited to mingle with the fellows and engage the digital posters, all while enjoying a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks.
Much like the DH Fellows program, the Symposium is open to all: students, staff, and faculty. If you’re interested in the digital humanities, the IDRH, or the Fellows Program, please come support our fellows and see their work. You’ll be impressed!
The Digital Humanities Fellows program builds an annual cohort of faculty members, staff, and students from across the university committed to thinking and working together for an academic year. Fellows are provided a small research stipend, targeted trainings in DH tools and methods, and networking opportunities with DH scholars from across the country. If you’re interested, come to the Symposium to get a sense of what it’s like!
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