"Opening the Door to the Virtual Beautyshop: Digital Black Feminism and a Praxis of Care"

Catherine Knight Steele, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Maryland - College Park


Register for March 23 at 4pm (virtual)


Scholars, journalists, and politicians are increasingly interested in the online lives of Black women. From influencer culture to online social movements, Black women have served as vanguards and canaries in the coal mine for social media's rises and deep falls. In this talk, Catherine Knight Steele introduces the idea of a Black feminist technoculture by focusing on the virtual beauty shop, a metaphor that tells the story of Black women's long relationship with technology. Taken from her book, Digital Black Feminism, the virtual beautyshop introduces us to the online principles, practices, and products of Black women and a mechanism for studying this community with care at the center of our praxis. 


Co-sponsored by the Department of Communication Studies.


The IDRH Digital Storytelling Colloquium is a series of virtual events focused on the ethics, politics, and techniques of digital storytelling. Stretched over the length of the academic year, the events will feature exemplary projects from across the world and across the KU campus, model digital storytelling practices, and introduce participants to a range of digital storytelling tools. Some meetings will be webinar-style presentations; others will be Zoom-style collaborative meetings. Across all events, the vision of the colloquium is to build a community of inquiry and an incubator for ideas.  

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