1565 Irving Hill Road, Lawrence, KS 66045

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Throughout October, join the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity for three special Feminist Fright Fest sessions of ZINES & ZA and/or submit a page for inclusion in SLASH THE PATRIARCHY, a Feminist Fright Fest collaborative zine project.


Our zine nights are a welcoming feminist space for people to connect and create in community with one another over FREE PIZZA.


Mondays 6 PM - 7:30 PM, Burge Union, Forum A


  • October 2nd - Season of the Witch
  • October 9th - Fav Familiars: Cats, Bats, Rats & Other Creepy Creatures
  • October 23rd - Horror Fanzine: Do You Like Scary Movies?



As part of our sixth annual Feminist Fright Fest, Monty Protest, the Emily Taylor Center's Zine Fellow, is compiling a collaborative zine exploring the themes of feminism, sexuality, and horror. Submit a piece: IF YOU DARE!


  • Please note that this will be a half-page zine printed in the typical black-and-white, photocopied style. Therefore, submissions must be half of a letter-size sheet of paper or 5.5 x 8.5 inches in size.
  • Written and/or visual submissions may include, but are not limited to essays, poetry, narratives, fiction, collage, comics, drawings, or photographs.
  • Submissions Due: October, Friday The 13th 
  • Please email digital or scanned pages to emilytaylorcenter@ku.edu or drop off hard copies at the Emily Taylor Center (Burge Union 1040).


The Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity encourages making zines as a way of doing feminism and building community.



Throughout October, the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity hosts our annual Feminist Fright Fest. With Feminist Fright Fest, we aim to provide a platform for creators who are women, femmes, and people of marginalized gender identities; to explore the horror genre through an intersectional feminist lens; and to offer Halloween-themed community events with a feminist bent. Follow us on Instagram at @feministfrightfest.  



The Emily Taylor Center welcomes and encourages people with disabilities to participate in our events. Please email your accommodation requests to emilytaylorcenter@ku.edu.


  • Allison Werth
  • Rachel Kurovski

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