About this Event
2335 Irving Hill Road, Lawrence, KS 66045
Title: Can we handle huge-scale scientific workloads
Abstract: Huge-scale scientific workflows arise in various scientific disciplines such as telescope-generated data (such as for blackhole imaging), DNA sequencing, processing of Whole Slide Imaging, and so on. Handling them brings up new issues in distributed computing, networking and systems research. The talk will focus on the problem domains, issues faced, and potential new research opportunities.
Bio:Deepankar (Deep) Medhi is a Program Director in the Computer & Network Systems (CNS) Division at NSF. He manages several research infrastructure programs such as NSF Future Cloud, Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure, Cloud Access, CCRI, and MRI, as well as wired networking research programs in the Networking Technologies and Systems (NeTS) cluster in CNS. He was a Curators' Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), which he joined in 1989 and retired in 2022 after 33 years of service. He was a rotating program director at NSF from August 2018 to August 2022 (on leave from UMKC). He started his permanent appointment at NSF in September 2022. His research interests are in network resilience, network routing and optimization, traffic engineering and design, network management, data center networking, and video quality-of-experience. He is deeply interested in research infrastructures that can benefit the research community.He co-authored the books, "Routing, Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks" (2004) and "Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures" (1st edition, 2007; 2nd edition, 2017), both published by Morgan Kauffman/Elsevier.
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