1425 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, KS 66045

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Please join the Institute for Policy & Social Research as we welcome Fithawee Tzeggai, assistant professor of sociology, who will discuss his current research on the topic: Rethinking School Segregation: Contemporary Lessons from 1960s Protest against Separate and Unequal Schools.


Tzeggai studies the relationship between politics and knowledge in the arena of public education and social policy reform. His work explores how scholars and policy experts develop new ideas and evidence in response to public controversies, and it analyzes the impact that these ideas have on public policy and the politics of race and education. His current book project is titled Sanitizing Segregation: Social Science Expertise and the Limits of Liberal School Reform. In this study, he examines the development of education research during the civil rights movement to show how racial clashes in the 1960s shaped academic knowledge and public debate about segregation, integration, and racial equity in public school reform.


Lunch will be provided at 11:45, presentation will begin at noon.   We are glad to accommodate any dietary restrictions and preferences.  Please contact Juana Simons (ipsr@ku.edu) with your request.

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