1530 Naismith Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

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Attend Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare at KU's William Inge Memorial Theatre in Murphy Hall. 


Guest directed by Gabriel Vega Weissman, Measure for Measure is defined as a "problem play" for its ambiguity. From power brokers to delightful comedic characters, the classic explores themes around love, hypocrisy, merciful justice, and righteousness. A rich and nuanced cast of characters experience a governing change together, while one individual's life hangs in the balance. The play's exploration of morality, government and the ever-evolving fabric of society have secured its place as one of Shakespeare's timeless titles. The KU production has reimagined the set in Dodge City, Kansas. 


Discounts for KU students, faculty, staff and retirees. Prices range $10-$20.


Tickets at https://kutheatre.com/measure-measure and on that page you can also learn about livestreams of this production, which will be offered Feb. 25, 27 and March 4. 


Masks are required for audience members. Vaccination is strongly encouraged. No late seating in the Inge Theatre. 


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