1251 Wescoe Hall Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

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Stuartt Corder, Deputy Director of NOIRLab and AURA Mission Scientist 


Big telescopes inspire with their breath taking images while unlocking profound insights into the universe and our place in it. Big has evolved through the past 400 years. From a few inches to many miles, from basic optical instruments to complex light “finger prints” spanning optical to radio light. The insights have grown with the telescopes, identifying mysterious forces and material that dominate our universe and discovering places that might host life as we know it.  The current and near future ensemble of Optical/Infrared and Radio telescopes is impressive in its scale and power. I will discuss an array of spectacular discoveries from these mammoth facilities from the perspective of a native Kansan who found his calling in the Andes of Chile.


Key Topics: Big telescopes, Chile focused, lots of cool data and the journey — KU, Caltech CARMA, ALMA, Rubin

  • Ansel Armstrong
  • Masood Syed
  • Tucker Johnson

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