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Join us on Tuesday, March 19th from 5:30PM to 7:00PM in the Jayhawk Welcome Center to network with professionals in the world of media and communication! 


Come learn about their fascinating careers creating and managing content that reaches target audiences with meaningful messaging. You will get the opportunity to learn what it's like working in these communication-driven careers! This will be an informal opportunity to meet with creators, managers, researchers, and leaders, and to hear about their experiences in the workforce and their career paths. You will also get the chance to ask for advice as you look toward your own professional career.


Prior to the event, from 5:00PM to 5:30PM, students are welcome to attend a Networking Practice Session to learn and practice the basics of networking, including making introductions, entering and leaving a conversation, and other helpful networking tips. Come discover how to get the most out of any networking event!



Interested in attending? Visit Hire Jayhawks and click the blue "Attend" button to register!

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