924 Delaware Street

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Now until the end of the semester the Department of Visual Art's Off-Site Art Space will be showcasing and celebrating our Visual Art Senior Seminar Students. Join us for the Friday Opening Receptions to hear directly from the artists during our 6:30 PM Artist Q&A Session.

APR 25 - APR 27 | Dejah Wake and Corey Williams
Opening Reception: FRI, APR 26 | 5PM - 8PM with Artist Q&A at 6:30PM


MAY 2 - May 11 | Tanya Miller and Yasi Farah
Opening Reception: FRI, MAY 3 | 5PM - 8PM with Artist Q&A at 6:30PM


Gallery Hours

Thursdays: 1PM TO 7PM

Friday and Saturday: 1PM TO 5PM

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