About this Event
Nothing About Us Without Us: Applying a Family-Driven Approach to Achieving Child and Family Well-Being
Panel Discussion:
Kassi McDowell, Parent Advocate, Kansas Family Advisory Network, Co-Chair of the Kansas Family Council
Amy Myers, LSCSW, LCAC, Therapist, Central Kansas Mental Health Center, Co-Chair of the Kansas Family Council
Meghan Cizek, MA, Assistant Director, Center for Public Partnership and Research
Kaela Byers, PhD, MSW, Associate Research Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Research to Transform Systems for Family, Community, & Social Justice
Friday, March 10, 2023
Cost: Free
CEUs: 1.0
Within child welfare, growing attention is given to promoting preventative services to keep children with their families of origin. Yet, despite this recognition of the need for prevention, family-serving agencies have historically worked in silos, with limited communication between them, resulting in a need for a more holistic approach to supporting child and family well-being. As part of this shift toward prevention, Kansas is applying a multipronged approach, supporting a variety of initiatives, including the federally funded Kansas Strong for Child and Families
(Kansas Strong) and Family First.
This presentation will provide an overview of the community and family-engaged advisory structure being implemented to achieve authentic family and community engagement to improve child welfare and prevention services for children and families in the state of Kansas.
Objectives: At the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to:
• Identify how embedding authentic family and community engagement into continuous quality improvement
processes can bolster systems and dismantle systems of oppression.
• Reflect on the elements of family and community engagement that best support cross-system learning.
Visit https://socwel.ku.edu/research-impact-talk-march-2023 for bios of panel members.
Questions: email kusswro@ku.edu
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