Held once per semester.

Open to all within the School of Social Welfare.

These lunchtime meetings are a chance for social work students at all levels to learn about research within the School of Social Welfare.

This student conversation will feature presentations from our 2022-2023 MSW Research Scholars on their projects:

  • Sydney Iocca will present Kansas Strong for Children and Families: Youth Voices in Foster Care (Dr. Becci Akin)

  • Rachel OFlannagan will present Exploring the Concept of Collaboration and Introduction to Coding (Dr. Juliana Carlson) 

  • Sara Montgomery will present COVID-19 HCBS Research (Dr. Carrie Wendel-Hummell) 

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Virtually via Zoom



Meeting ID: 935 6408 4322 I Passcode: 702419


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